The Rat Wall : This a barrier put in place to keep unwanted guests out. This is done with usually 1/4″ wire mesh (hardware cloth) to prevent even mice from entering the area. The mesh is attached to a structure and then put into the ground approximately 1 1/2′ – 2′ deep and approximately 1′ out from the structure at the bottom. the mesh forms a L shape. Below is an example of the “Rat Wall” it was used to stop other animals from getting under the shed after the skunks and woodchuck were removed. Notice the brush around the structure and how it has been removed. Brush also promotes unwanted wildlife.
The brush had to be removed. It created a perfect garden of Eden for intruders.
After removing the brush its time to dig out around the structure:
After a 2′ foot deep by 1′ wood hole has been dug out around the structure its time to install the “Rat Wall”:
Then all that’ s left is filling in the dirt and making it look nice:
The completed project. No more brush and nothing getting in under the shed:
The Rat Wall works well in places such as sheds, patios, porches, decks, foundations, and gardens.
Think a Rat Wall is right for you? Give Eviction Nuisance Wildlife Control a call today to schedule an inspection and quote. 585-330-8786