Mole Control
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Have Moles tunneling through your lawn? Give Eviction Nuisance Wildlife Control a call today for Mole Control! 585-330-8786
Star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata)
Hairy-tailed Mole (Parascalps Breweri)
Signs your lawn has been ravaged by moles:
- Tunnels and runs: Most likely noticed during the spring or fall.
- Mole hills (mound) This look like cone shaped piles of dirt that may range from a few inches up to a foot high.(see photo below)
- If you have experienced crop damage (root damage) it is more likely to be a vole and not a mole. Moles are after earthworms and grubs, while the vole is after the edible roots. A mole may damage the root system while digging a tunnel but usually dose not eat them.
Mole Mounds
Differences between moles and voles are:
- Moles have no ears. Voles have small but visible ears.
- A moles nose is naked. Voles have fury noses.
- Moles have shovel/rake like feet. Voles have feet like mice.
If you are currently in need of mole control? Then it is time to give Eviction Nuisance Wildlife Control a call today. We will inspect the area, and work with you to solve the problem.

Moles removed
We proudly service all of Monroe county, Genesee County, Livingston County, Ontario County, Wyoming County, Wayne County, and Yates County. Not on the list? Give us a call odds our we service your area as well!