Goose Control
Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) * Note there are several races of this water fowl*. Resident Canada geese are known as (Branta Canadensis maxima)
We offer “Goose Hazing” to alleviate your goose headache.
Now we need to know a few things. What we need to know is if the Geese are seen all year long?Do they stay in the area during the summer? Have you seen signs of nesting or seen the young?
Eviction Nuisance Wildlife Control has had phenomenal success with the hazing of geese via the means of coyote decoys in conjunction with r/c vehicles.

Goose busting
We will work with you to scare, herd, or chase away geese by any means, lasers, r/c cars, r/c boats or noisemakers, and coyote decoys. As long as no birds are physically harmed we can do that. No federal permit is needed to do so. (Note you may do this on your own, Just do not harm any geese, eggs included.)
Before you look further please take a look at this link provided by the NYS DEC then read our disclaimer just under this.
*At no time may you refer to this section as what to do with Canadian geese. This is just for reference. Our site may have not been updated when you decide that something needs to be done about Nuisance Geese. Always consult the New York State Department of Conservation first. You may need a special permit that would be provided by the U.S Federal Fish and wildlife Services. Federal and state permits are required if you are going to capture, handle, or kill geese, or disturb their eggs or nests. *
To apply for a federal permit contact:
U.S. fish and wildlife Service Region 5 Federal Permit Office U.S. Dep’t of the Interior PO Box 799, Hadley, MA 01035-0779 (413)253-8643
Information taken from the New York State Department Of Environmental Control regarding geese is located directly below:
- If all you want to do is destroy goose nests or treat the eggs with corn oil (or puncturing) to prevent hatching, simply visit the USFWS’s Resident Canada Goose Nest and Egg Registration Site to register on-line (see the site link).
- If you are a farmer or manager of an airport, beach, or drinking water supply, and you want permission for the lethal removal of geese between May 1 and August 31, you do not need a federal permit but need authorization from your local DEC Wildlife office.
- In most other situations, including areas where geese are a general nuisance (parks, golf courses, residential or commercial properties, etc.), or to kill geese at other times of the year, you need a specific federal permit. A state permit may also be needed if you wish to take more than are allowed under DEC’s “General Depredation Permit” (see PDF file below on permitting requirements and the “GDP”).
- DEC generally does not allow relocation of geese with or without a permit.
- For more information, view, print, or download the document below or contact your local DEC Wildlife office. To apply for a federal permit, contact the New York State office of USDA Wildlife Services at (518) 477-4837.
If you have viewed the above information and feel that Eviction Nuisance Wildlife Control can help call today. We will inspect the area, and work with you to solve the problem. All permits provided must be copied and provided to Eviction Nuisance Wildlife Control. A verification from the NYS DEC and U.S. Federal Fish and Wildlife Service regarding the legality of the permit will be done prior to any work performed by a employee or sub-contractor of Eviction Nuisance Wildlife Control.
We proudly service all of Monroe county, Genesee County, Livingston County, Ontario County, Wyoming County, Wayne County, and Yates County. Not on the list? Give us a call odds our we service your area as well!