Have you been noticing some strange sounds coming from your attic or crawl space lately? Have you seen some paw-prints along your siding, corner-posts, windows, or other strange areas along your home? You may have a small family of raccoons living with you. Right about this time of year the young that the female has had are starting to get a little more lively. Their eyes are open and they are exploring. You may hear some chattering or a chirping like sound from the young as they call out to their mother (sometimes the noise can be mistaken as birds or squirrels). A usual liter of kits consists of usually 3-5 however I have seen small litters of 2, and they can reach up to 8 kits from a very healthy female. If a male raccoon were to come into contact with the kits he may kill them. You may occasionally see a raccoon out foraging during the day. This does not indicate that the raccoon is rabid. This time of year the mother needs extra amounts of food to care for the litter of kits. She will be seen from time to time out during the day finding food.
Raccoons will enter your home through many different ways. The only way to be certain on how the animals have entered your home or shed or business is through a complete inspection of the property. Entry point signs may include, but not be limited to lifted up soffits, missing soffits, rub marks at a certain location, and tracks leading to an entry/exit point. After the raccoons have been removed from your business, home, or outbuilding it is highly recommended that these points be sealed off to prevent future nuisance wildlife from taking up residence in the same spot.
When we at Eviction Nuisance Wildlife Control end up with a family of raccoons that need to be evicted, we try to keep The mother and her Kits together to prevent orphaning of the kits. In these cases where the young are still to young to take care of themselves we will take momma and the kits to a person whom is licensed by the state as a animal rehibilitator so that they may grow and be released at a future time. If we are only able to get the kits the same would apply. If it is a solo raccoon that is causing damage or menacing pets, we generally trap and relocate the nuisance animal to a more suitable habitat.
Always respect wildlife. Never approach wildlife in your area. Remember wildlife is wild, and unpredictable. Keep you and your family safe and always hire a Licensed Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator.
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